L.I.G.O. - Shit Happens

Tekst piosenki:

Genius, idiocy
One is limited
While the other is
Not thus handicapped
Two things in the world
Are most abundant
First, stupidity
Second, hydrogen

Make it all fool-proof -
We’ll make better fools
Planet Earth is full
Of thieves of O2

Peter’s principle
Murphy’s rules and laws
That’s reality
That’s the way it goes

“Where bin Laden is I
Don’t know and don’t care”
Why then fight for freedom
And wage wars on terror?

Looted military
Bases, weapons missing
“Freedom is untidy
People’re free to do bad things”

So what? What else does one
Need to get torpedoed?
Just think how it rates on

Plant Bush back in Texas?
Sounds great with one ‘xception
It’s all bullshit, there’re too
Many ways to manage mass perception

If anything can go wrong
It will, surely, always, so cheer up the worst is yet to come,
There's never time to do it right but there is always time to do it once again.

A falling object lands where
It can do most damage, surely, absolutely, by all means
Selective gravitation law, if something doesn’t break at least it rolls away

Left to themselves, things tend to
Go from bad to worse, if for some reason Murphy's Law would fail
To operate it’s building up for something really big, substantially big

Raise hell, stomp, push, fuck Bush
No more blood for oil
We got our own battles
To fight on our own soil

Let him fight his own war
Strap him with an AK
Forty seven, let him
Impress daddy that way

Maybe this is God just
Sayin' we're responsible
For this monster, coward
That we have empowered

The stars and stripes, they’ve been
Wiped, washed out and replaced
With his own face - look in
His eyes it’s all lies, it’s all lies

The Murphy's golden rule: whoever
Has the gold will make the rules, and those who know the least
Will always know it the loudest, chaos will always win ‘cause it’s well-organized

It’s never so bad it could
Not be worse, bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks
To err is human, no wonder, but to forgive is not company policy.

The universal aptitude
For the ineptitude makes any human ‘ccomplishment
In any field at any time a sheer miracle, purely incredible & unbelievable

And there will be -- I take it back. It will be a signature -- I won't hesitate. It will probably take about -- you know, about three seconds to get to the W, I may hesitate on the period, and then rip through the Bush


4 more years of Dubya
4 more years of bullshit
How could sixty million
People be so stupid

4 more years of bushisms
And of holier-than-you lies
This could well not happen
But for votes in Ohio

4 more years of crisis
And of vaccination
To make sure US is
Fed up with stagnation

Good bye Scary Kerry
Grim-faced undertaker
We’ll wait for Hilary
To take proper care of America

If something seems to be right
All it does is put you in a false sense of security
Conservation of misery, shit happens – Muphy’s law’s intrinsic after all

Shit happens - universal
Wake-up call, keep thinking low, so bear in mind and be prepared
For the worst case scenarios, if you’re not well-confused then you’re not well-informed

The possibility of
Failure is inevitable, Murphy’s law can take effect
At any time, so bear in mind in view of the work-load the light at the end of tunnel may be switched off.