The March Violets - Discoboy Must Die

Tekst piosenki:

Ladies and gentlemen, and ladies
Introducing to you
A night of delectable and spectacular entertainment
Will you cast your eyes upon the dancefloor
Will you give us your rapt and undivided attention?
Presenting to you, for one night only

Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night

In his crisp white suit
Discoboy's every inch the Shakespearian hero
Provoking jealousy and tragedy
With his funky groove
As the red satin curtain falls
Discoboy hits the floor
A thousand deaths in the mirrorball
The crowd cry out they want more

Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night

And high in the gods of the ancient theatre
Now a discoteque, the demonic human lamprey
Focused a diabolic machine disguised as a spotlight
The deathray
His hatred for discoboy was all consuming
He lit him up
He's on fire
As the glitterball spins
The light in his eyes goes dim
The wallflowers turn away and cry
Boo hoo boo hoo

Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night
Discoboy must die
On a Saturday night