Wiesz ze bylo by to nieprawdą
Wiesz ze byl bym klamcą
Gdybym mial Ci powiedziec,
Dziewczyno, nie moglibysmy wspiac sie wyzej.
Chodz kochanie, rozpal moj ogien
Chodz kochanie, rozpal moj ogien
Sprobuj usiedziec w ogniu nocą.
Czas wahania juz minal
Nie ma juz czasu na tarzanie sie w blocie
Sprobuj, teraz mozemy tylko stracic.
A nasza milosc staje sie stosem pogrzebowym.
Chodz kochanie, rozpal moj ogien
Chodz kochanie, rozpal moj ogien
Sprobuj usiedziec w ogniu nocą. [2x]
Tekst piosenki:
You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire
The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire, yeah
The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire, yeah
You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher
Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire
Try to set the night on fire
Try to set the night on fire
Try to set the night on fire