Dodane teledyski przez Chantimmy (3926):
1304. Elffor - Gorgorium Goth
1306. Ehnahre - Part V
1321. Mitochondrion - Trials
1329. Ehnahre - Animals
1331. Ehnahre - Part II
1334. Ehnahre - Part III
1336. Ehnahre - Part IV
1343. Abyssal - The Last King
1345. Portal - Larvae
1355. Portal - Marityme
1356. Portal - Werships
1357. Portal - Omenknow
1358. Portal - Writhen
1359. Portal - The Swayy
1360. Portal - Illoomorpheme
1362. Portal - Heirships
1363. Portal - Abysmill
1364. Portal - Orbmorphia
1365. Portal - Awryeon
1366. Portal - Plasm
1367. Portal - Curtain
1368. Portal - The Back Wards
1371. Impetuous Ritual - Elegy
1372. Portal - Atmosblisters
1373. Portal - Vessel of Balon
1374. Portal - Sourlows
1375. Portal - 13 Globes
1376. Portal - Black Houses
1379. Portal - Swarth