Dodane teledyski przez anmar09 (105033):
1303. Vintersorg - Svältvinter
1311. Solarcycles - Moonblind
1319. Elvellon - The Aeon Tree
1321. Elvellon - Unbound
1336. Warlord - The Rider
1337. Warlord - Conquerors
1339. Warlord - The Watchman
1341. Warlord - The Bell Tolls
1342. Warlord - Alarm
1343. Warlord - Twin
1344. Warlord - Revelation XIX
1347. Feuerschwanz - Wardwarf
1351. Feuerschwanz - Purgatory
1375. Grimgotts - Until Dawn
1378. As I Lay Dying - Burden
1379. Sellsword - Saxon Steel
1386. Ibridoma - Coming Home
1387. Ibridoma - Into the Sea
1389. Ibridoma - Pandemia
1393. Fellowship - Avalon
1394. Grotestique - Fade Away
1395. Fellowship - Silhouette
1398. Fellowship - Atlas
1399. Fellowship - Oak and Ash