Ulubione utwory kindon (266):
108. Lauv - The Other
112. Leona Lewis - Run
115. Lifehouse - Blind
117. Lifehouse - Eighties
121. Lifehouse - Flight
122. Lifehouse - Fool
129. Lifehouse - Storm
131. Lifehouse - The Joke
134. Little Mix - DNA
136. Lucia - Silence
145. Massari - Real love
150. Matt Corby - Brother
154. McLean - Broken
155. Meg Myers - Monster
160. Morandi - Love me
161. Morandi - Save me
169. Neon Trees - Animal
170. NF - Can You Hold Me
175. Oceana - Cry Cry Cry
184. Radiohead - Creep
189. Rhodes - Your soul
198. Ryan Adams - Desire